Children at Play

C@P Education

C@P Education is a project aimed at enabling learners from different backgrounds and those living in poverty to have the necessary tools to do their school work efficiently. Many families are living in extreme poverty and can’t provide stationery to their children, and the schools usually have limited resources.

By supplying thousands of children each with their own stationery pack not only give them the opportunity to enhance their learning experience, but also motivate them to work harder for success. The stationery packs usually include a pencil case (branding is optional), pen, pencil, ruler, sharpener, scissors, eraser, glue, colouring pencils and an examination pad. Depending on the need and the age group, there can be additional stationery included in these packs.

As part of C@P Education, we provide pre-selected children with bursaries where possible. Children with such a drive to succeed in life deserve a fair chance of reaching their goals. Support C@P Education, you can help change the world for individuals!


Donations can be made through any of the following methods:

1. PAYPAL: (International US$)
Secure third party payment method (Click donate button for secure donation)

2. PAYFAST: (SA Rand)
Secure third party payment method (Click donate button for secure donation)

Transfer money from any bank to:
Children at Play
Cheque account
Account no. 62415589756
Branch code 270344

C@P is a registered non-profit organisation, SARS PBO and approved in terms of Section 18A tax benefit. We are focused on supporting children or families with children. Registration number: 078-601

Designed by Grafica Designs